Why not be generous?
Money comes and goes.
Under one earth, living in the same country, citizens, for the most part, are all given access to the same tools, resources, and opportunities. Some are granted more access than others, but that’s besides my point…
If I have $100, and someone asks for it, and all of my needs are met, and I’m still going to be okay financially, I don’t see any reason to not share.
Lending someone any amount of dollars is never the end of the world, that money can easily be made back.
If I give someone $100, I’m guaranteed $100 back at some point in my lifetime.
It’s when people get comfortable and see your generosity as the norm; it’s now an expectation or routine of some sort. They now are taking advantage of your hand—it’s unfair.
You must know when to put your foot down, always.